
10 things a smart bride never says

10 things a smart bride never says:

“It’s all what you make of it.”

You’ve heard your parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends say that phrase before. It sounds like a meme you’d read on facebook but, it’s short, sweet and to the point. When it comes to weddings, this statement couldn’t be anything closer to the truth.

While many people will tell you that weddings typically cost 5 times more than the average party, they’d be correct. There’s a reason for that though. When you lay your money down on the table for something, does it meet your expectations? Was it everything you wanted and more? What is the most important feature that you want for your wedding? And how do you get the most value from it? It’s all a matter of priority.

We hear many stories from once bridesmaids turned bride on what their experiences and the experiences of their friend (the bride) had at their wedding. Some are full of happy memories and some not. Here are the 10 things a smart bride never says.

1. Aww man, I wish I could have done this instead of that.

2. I had a buddy of mine take care of (insert assorted wedding service here) because he was cheap and available.

3. We really wanted a photo booth for our wedding because they were so much fun but we figured, people are just gonna take selfies in the bathroom anyway so, what the hell.

4. Thank god we opted for the chair coverings and chocolate fountain. It really made the wedding more amazing than I had hoped.

5. I didn’t allow my DJ to stray from my playlist and as a result, I loved the music. Nobody was dancing though, that DJ sucks.

6. It’s my wedding. The guests are there for me. They should be happy to get a free meal.

7. I spent $10,000 my dress that I will wear for exactly 14 hours in my lifetime and now I don’t have enough money to buy all the things that Pinterest told me that I need for my wedding.

8. I am going to wear these 5 inch heels if it kills me.

9.  My DJ never showed up and he kept the $300 we paid him even after he promised he’d do my wedding.

10. My wedding SUCKED!

Wedding Disc Jockeys – It’s time to raise the bar.

This is a post I have been holding off on for quite some time. But, for those of you who have met me in person, you know that I never pull any punches and I will be honest with you. So here goes…

Every day, I keep up with the latest DJ industry news, the bridal forums on weddingwire, DJ forums on facebook, and many other entertainment and wedding specific groups and publications. Sadly, alot of what I read is the same old regurgitated topics.  How do I make more money as a DJ? Why do DJs charge so much? I lost a wedding to an ipod. And last but not least, my sister’s wedding dj ruined her wedding, I’m thinking of using an ipod.

All things considered, I believe I have found the one detail that these topics have in common. SERVICE.
Why service you ask? It’s simple really. Whether you’re a DJ or a bride, service is king. When we purchase equipment or subscribe to a website like WeddingWire, we want the best service possible so that we know if need be, we’ll be taken care of. The same goes for brides and clients of all types. When you hire your DJ or wedding team, you want to make sure that everything will be on point, stress free, and enjoyable. So why are we seeing the same old ‘CHEAP’ topics coming up?

The economy has been in a downward spiral for 5 years now and companies are tightening their belts. People are getting laid off in record numbers and for some, becoming a DJ overnight to make fast cash seems like a great idea. It’s not.
These weekend warriors and overnight companies lack the experience and the business sense that goes into running a successful entertainment company and things like ‘Taking care of the customer’ and ‘Holding yourself accountable’ seem to pass by and ultimately, the client pays the price.

The same can be said for the client. If you’ve fallen on hard times or are trying to be fiscally responsible, you may be cutting costs where and when you can. That being said, you also know as a seasoned consumer, that when you invest in something, you want to make sure that you get a return on investment. That’s where the professional comes in.

So here’s my message to my colleagues and competitors:
You know that the economy is bad. Instead of banging your head against a wall and waiting for the next dollar to come through, raise the bar. You need to be on your A game and above. If you take care of the client in the down economy, when we’re on the rebound, those clients will be customers for life and will grow with your business.

To my brides & clients:
Knowing what you know now, DON’T SETTLE for the lowest bidder. They are a dime a dozen. Not all wedding Disc Jockeys are created equal. Take the time now to meet with your wedding vendors and choose the one that best suits your needs. You’ll be glad you did.