
WEDDING Advice for men

WEDDING Advice for men

Alrighty fellas. This one is just for you. Now this may be a touchy subject for some but, like anything else, when you hit it straight on, you get the best results.

Fellas, I’m going to tell you a little secret. Your fiance wants you to be a part of the wedding planning. No really, she does. There are so many working pieces to put together for this one special moment that she’s been dreaming about since she was a little girl. And lucky for you, you are a part of that dream. Congratulations!

Now you’re probably asking yourself, “Ok, what should I do?” or “What can I do to help?” Simple. LISTEN to her. Ask her, “What do you want for our wedding.” She will probably be taken back that you asked her in the first place and reply with, “Really? You really wanna know?” This isn’t a setup. You just opened the door of opportunity to make her day.

Once she tells you all about her dream wedding, ask her then, “So what can I help with?” She’ll probably think about it for a little bit and then come up with a list of to dos. Now don’t get discouraged. We’ve all had that uncomfortable shopping trip to the pharmacy for some feminine products where we didn’t know what choice to make. This is no different. So pay attention.

Write down what she wants.
Write down what she wants you to do.
If you do these two things, that will probably open the door for you to tell her what you want out of the wedding day. Maybe it’s a photo booth. Or a cigar bar. Either way, work together to come up with ideas for your special day.

Once you’ve gotten your list, STICK TO IT! Ask questions if you’re not sure. The key here is, ‘Under promise and over deliver’ If you can master that skill, you’ll not only have a very happy fiance, but a very happy wife for years to come. Remember one thing. Happy Wife = Happy Life. GOOD LUCK!

Wedding Seating Arrangements

Wedding Seating Arrangements

As if planning a wedding wasn’t tricky enough, one of the hardest parts of the planning is the wedding seating arrangements. You want those closest to you to be near your head table and then fill in with friends, co-workers, & acquaintances. Makes sense right?

Think about this for a moment. You love your grandparents and your parents. And they love you. They are ecstatic to be a part of your celebration. Do them a solid and put them as far away from the dance floor as possible.  Why?

The dance floor is a lively place to be. Full of music, and in some cases bright lights. If you remember from your childhood your parents or grandparents yelling up to you, “TURN THAT DOWN”, then being next to the DJ or his speakers is probably not the best place for grandparents. If you put them towards the rear of the room, they’ll be able to mingle with guests and chat with each other a lot easier if they are further away from the music.

“Can’t I just tell the DJ to turn it down?”

Sure you can. And they should oblige that request. But by the same token, a speaker is just that, a speaker. And it has to be loud enough to reach the far ends of the room. Not uncomfortable but, audible.

So when you’re starting to plan your seating arrangement, remember this little tip and keep guests young and old happy.

Wedding RSVP – Getting your wedding guest list together quickly

Wedding RSVP – Getting your wedding guest list together quickly

The date is set. The venue chosen. You’ve got your dress and your decor taken care of. It’s time to see who’s coming to the wedding.

RSVPs are a crucial part of wedding planning. Not just for budgetary purposes but it really makes you think about who you want to be present for your special day and where you draw the line. So, why is it so difficult to get people to respond? Simple. After the hundreds you spend in invitations, meal cards, rsvp cards, and then thank you cards and parting gifts, people seem to lose those little cards. They end up in the pile of mail on the kitchen table, or maybe locked in a drawer or glove compartment to respond to later and is eventually out of sight and out of mind. So, how can you get your RSVPs returned quickly, efficiently, and economically?

Social media and a wedding website is your answer. Platforms like Facebook and Google plus give you the ability to create event pages and invite the friends and family and track your RSVPs right on your screen without having to sift through paperwork and making a database. Sites like Weddingwire are also a great tool as they offer wedding websites that have apps and tools to help you get your RSVPs in order.

It’s user friendly, highly efficient, and lots of fun! Personalize your page with little tidbits about what your guests can expect at your wedding. Include pictures of theme ideas and some history on how you and your future spouse met to where you are today.

Technology grows everyday. Embrace it and get the most you can from it. It just could make wedding planner easier than before.

No time to plan a wedding

No time to plan a wedding.

Hi Everyone!

In these fast times, people are turning to the internet for ALL of their purchases and investments when it’s time to plan a wedding. Weddings are no exception. In this day and age, you can find just about anything you need from dresses and shoes to hairstyles and centerpiece ideas with the click of a mouse of the press of a thumb on your smart phone or tablet.  We’re really living in Star Trek times with everything at our finger tips on demand. That’s the great part of planning a wedding in 2016.

Gone are the days of having to go to the store to buy a 3 ring binder with instructions on how to plan a wedding or spending hundreds on expensive wedding magazines off the rack that with undoubtedly end up on your coffee table.

Wedding planning season is in full swing and we’re here to help you. We understand that planning your special day can be hectic so we’ve made it easy for you. If you go to or wedding site, check out our HELPFUL RESOURCES page to find VENUES, PHOTOGRAPHERS, VIDEOGRAPHERS, YACHT RENTALS, and a whole lot more…

These are all companies that we have worked with in the past so be sure to mention our name when you call. They’d be happy to help.