
Bidding on DJs to get the best price

You’re a thrifty shopper. You look at those reward points after leaving the grocery store and smile with pride because you know you just saved a ton of money by buying that extra value pack of toilet paper. Nicely done!

But when you’re shopping around for DJ services or ANY services for that matter, you’ve got to get down to where the rubber meets the road to really see if all things are equal. In a DJ forum tonight, someone asked the question, “DO you give people a price sheet at your meetings for when they leave?” That’s a good question. Shopping and bargain hunting is what we as humans are programmed to do. In most cases, it’s a great ideology for things like shopping for home heating oil, electricity and canned goods.  Those are common commodities that have very little variation from one to the next. But when it comes to something as specific as wedding djs, they are miles apart in preference. In the end, the value is in the eye of the beholder.

So Aaron, if you’re telling me that bidding on DJ services isn’t the right way to find my dj, what does that mean?
There’s a few things to consider when you’re looking for the right person for the job. With what we offer, it’s a personality based service. Just like your favorite actors, musicians, comedians, etc. One person’s Lewis Black might be another person’s Louis CK. And even though these two comedians are often lumped together for their raw and edgy performances, they are in fact 2 different people with 2 different offerings. The same can be said for DJs.

But beyond personality types, what else should you look for when the sticker shock sets in? You need to look at experience. If when you ask questions during a meeting, the person you’re speaking with has all of the right answers, chances are they’re a good fit. If they answer questions you didn’t know you had or addressed concerns before they were considered, they are most DEFINITELY a good fit. There are other things to consider as well. Things like service offerings. If you are looking for a wedding dj in ct as well as a ceremony sound system and intelligent lighting for your celebration, chances are, it’s going to run you somewhere in the neighborhood of $1900-2500 respectively. But if you’re meeting with a DJ who is willing to give away the farm for $650 and claims they can deliver the same experience as the $2500 DJ with a proven track record, you should be suspect of them.

Think of your wedding dj as an investment in an asset. Your home for example. Would you want to put peel and stick tile that is susceptible to peeling and cracking within 5 years in your kitchen, or would you rather have ceramic or marble tile installed that will last decades? Buy it once and never worry about it again. The same can be said for your wedding dj. Choose the best option and you should be worry free for your wedding day or roll the dice and hope for the best. The choice is yours.

Cutting disposable wedding expenses.

Cutting disposable wedding expenses.

In 2013, TheKnot had reported that the average wedding cost $30,000. It’s no secret, weddings can be quite costly. Necessities like your wedding venue, catering, and a dress are a given for weddings. But if you’re like many brides out there, you’re probably looking for the best deal to save money on your special day. And who doesn’t like to save some cash? What if I told you that you could save on wedding expenses by cutting out over $800 in disposable wedding expenses?

Wedding announcements – $150+

The 2016 couple is no stranger to social media. Facebook even has a relationship status button that tells your 800+ friends that you’ve been recently engaged. The tradition of wedding announcements seems redundant now that we’re in the age of technology. Reduce your carbon footprint and save some green by foregoing announcements before invites.

Wedding ceremony programs – $100+

How many times have you attended a wedding ceremony or a church service? The standard wedding ceremony starts with the groom heading to the altar, the bridal party following after, and last but not least, YOU! Unless you’ve got a theatrical performance happening for your ceremony, the equivalent to a Broadway playbill that will indefinitely end up in the recycling bin is probably not a necessity. Chopping the program will save on wedding expenses.

Table Place Cards – $100

Time is money. Penning and folding place cards or even having them printed is an expensive and timely proposition that ultimately gets brushed aside once guests make their way to the table. If you get them printed online, after the time of creating a database to send to the printer, the expense of printing itself, and shipping costs, it would be easier on you and save you some greenback if you simply put your guests names on a framed canvas on an easel outside of the reception space. Personalize your canvas with a picture of you and your beloved for a great keepsake!

Wedding Menus – $120

Since you’ve already taken the time to ask all of your guests what they want to eat during your wedding reception when you sent them a formal invitation by mail, wedding menus are also redundant and costly. The waitstaff will also be around to take your guests order for each table. Save on wedding expenses and save a tree by letting the waitstaff take care of catering.

Parting Gifts – $500

Parting gifts are a nice gesture to offer to your guests as a thank you for attending your special day. But, what could you give to your guests that will be both used and remembered. A bag of candied almonds? Or an engraved picture frame that can’t even fit a wallet sized photo. If you’re like me, you’re not a fan of dust me stuff. But in 2016, people LOVE selfies. Drop the cookies and get a photo booth instead. Yes, the booth will cost a little more than  cookies, but it will be something that your guests will use and with their photo, it’ll always hang on the refrigerator as a reminder of how much fun they had at your wedding!

Rose Petals – $90

Remember the movie Coming to America? Everywhere King Joffrey Joffer went, his flower girls dropped rose petals for him and his family to walk on. But that is a movie with mature actors. But take the 20 something flower girls and replace them with your brother’s kids and watch those beautiful petals fly! Save on the petals and put $90 towards your plane ticket for your honeymoon.

Every couple’s wedding is different from the next and priorities change depending on the couple. But by saving on these redundant and over played wedding expenses, you don’t have to settle for anything less than the best wedding team that will help you celebrate your special day with a packed dancefloor, hollywood quality video, and pictures that would leave Brides.Com readers jealous.

10 things a smart bride never says

10 things a smart bride never says:

“It’s all what you make of it.”

You’ve heard your parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends say that phrase before. It sounds like a meme you’d read on facebook but, it’s short, sweet and to the point. When it comes to weddings, this statement couldn’t be anything closer to the truth.

While many people will tell you that weddings typically cost 5 times more than the average party, they’d be correct. There’s a reason for that though. When you lay your money down on the table for something, does it meet your expectations? Was it everything you wanted and more? What is the most important feature that you want for your wedding? And how do you get the most value from it? It’s all a matter of priority.

We hear many stories from once bridesmaids turned bride on what their experiences and the experiences of their friend (the bride) had at their wedding. Some are full of happy memories and some not. Here are the 10 things a smart bride never says.

1. Aww man, I wish I could have done this instead of that.

2. I had a buddy of mine take care of (insert assorted wedding service here) because he was cheap and available.

3. We really wanted a photo booth for our wedding because they were so much fun but we figured, people are just gonna take selfies in the bathroom anyway so, what the hell.

4. Thank god we opted for the chair coverings and chocolate fountain. It really made the wedding more amazing than I had hoped.

5. I didn’t allow my DJ to stray from my playlist and as a result, I loved the music. Nobody was dancing though, that DJ sucks.

6. It’s my wedding. The guests are there for me. They should be happy to get a free meal.

7. I spent $10,000 my dress that I will wear for exactly 14 hours in my lifetime and now I don’t have enough money to buy all the things that Pinterest told me that I need for my wedding.

8. I am going to wear these 5 inch heels if it kills me.

9.  My DJ never showed up and he kept the $300 we paid him even after he promised he’d do my wedding.

10. My wedding SUCKED!

Lake of Isles Wedding – The Wedding of Lauren & Chris

Lake of Isles Wedding – The Wedding of Lauren & Chris


Weddings like the wedding of Lauren & Chris don’t happen everyday…
The setting for their ceremony @ Lake of Isles at Foxwoods Resort and Casino was the quintessential New England fall wedding. Over 200 guests bundled up and headed to the shore to witness Lauren & Chris’s new beginning as husband and wife unfold.

After the ceremony, guests headed up to the clubhouse for the start of a magical evening. Guests of all ages were socializing, enjoying a tasty beverage and letting their inhibitions fly in our Funtastic Photo Booth. The bridal party was introduced to Rihanna’s popular club hit, ‘We Found Love (In a hopeless place)”  which set the tone for the rest of the evening.

High energy was where it was at. This group wanted to party. Thanks to Bethany and the amazing staff at Lake of Isles, dinner service was as much efficient as it was tasty. In just over an hour, over 200 guests were served appetizers, and 2 courses which is great for us because it allows the maximum time for dancing.

And speaking of dancing, there was LOTS of it. Guests young and old packed the dancefloor solid for nearly 3 hours straight and enjoyed hits from the 50’s to today. As we always do at the end of our weddings, we sent Lauren & Chris off with a bang singing and dancing to BEP’s The Time.

This wedding was all about Lauren & Chris. At the end of the night, hugs and goodbyes were exchanged. The very next day, I read Lauren’s review and was awestruck by the wonderful things she had said about us. Thank you so much Lauren. It means alot.

To read Lauren’s review, please visit our WeddingWire Page by clicking the link below. Stay tuned to our facebook page for video of Lauren & Chris’s wedding provided by mebCINEMA!

THE GREAT DEBATE: Band or Wedding DJ and how much?

From the WeddingWire Forums Kim Writes:

Band or Wedding DJ and how much?

“So I’m struggling with either having a band or dj. Do bands cost more? Do people think wedding bands are cheesy?
We were originally going to use FH’s co-worker, who does DJ’s on the side, but that fell through. When I started to look in to them, I was pretty bummed to see how much they actually cost and that may just put our entire a wedding a tad over budget now. This is one of the last things I need to book and is causing the most trouble!”Kim,The expression “The early bird gets the worm” is very useful here. When planning your wedding reception, the most important factor of finding vendors is that they are a good fit. Now in terms of the decision to go with live music or a dj… There are several things to consider.If you enjoy live music and you want more of a ‘SHOW’ where your guests can sit and watch a band play, this may be the right choice for you. You know your guests and what they like. Not to say that all bands are incapable of filling a dancefloor but, most people want to hear the original artists in a dancing environment. Also, you’re limited to the set list of songs that the band knows.  You also have to take into account that the band is full of people. And people need breaks. So expect to have 5 or 6 songs followed by a break and then back again.

When you use a DJ, they will have tens of thousands of selections for music covering just about everyone’s tastes and can easily switch things up to get people on the floor. Also, DJs don’t take breaks. If you’re having a 5 hour reception, expect that music will be playing throughout the length of the reception from start to finish.

A seasoned wedding DJ will have plenty of experience as well doing intros where as your bands have more experience with playing in bars and festivals. A DJ can also help to guide you and your guests through the events of the day giving you peace of mind keeping everything running smoothly for the catering, photography, videography, and reception staff.

Prices for DJs and bands and the requirements for each are miles apart. A DJ can comfortably be put into just about any 12×6 space and use a minimum of 2 dedicated circuits where as a band will need much more space and power not to mention food and drink. From a cost factor, DJs are typically more economical. A polished wedding band could cost anywhere between $6-$20K depending on their experience and ability. Wedding DJ prices vary and average between $1000-$3000. Sometimes with lighting included. You could always go with the family friend but, as you found out, sometimes things are best left to a professional.

Which ever way you choose, it’s up to you. It’s your special day. Make it whatever you want it to be.


Wedding planning – You can do that later…

Wedding planning – You’ve got tons of time. You can do that later…

Have you as a newly engaged couple heard these 2 statements recently?
It’s hard to fight back the excitement when the man or woman of your dreams asks your hand in marriage. You immediately start thinking about your dress on how it will look on you, the floral arrangements, and all of the wedding planning details great and small that you’ve been dreaming of since you were a little girl.

You’ve got a date in mind. Maybe it’s a year or two away. In your mind you’re thinking, “There’s so much to do! I better get started.” Your instinct is wise beyond comprehension. The people who tell you, “Meh, you’ve got time. Why worry about it now?” have either never planned a wedding or did it last minute. However, the brides that plan their weddings far in advance typically get everything they want and more!

But what if I’m on a budget? No problem. Think about it for a second. The more time you have to plan means the more time you have to save for the things most important to you. The venue should be the first thing you and your fiance check out.

The best wedding venues are usually booked up first so getting that taken care of before all else is essential. Go to many venues. See all there is available to you and then comfortably make your decision based on your venue. By doing this, you won’t have the stress of rushing everything and settling for less than a perfect venue. If you want your wedding at the most beautiful place in your area and not at the local VFW, you need to get out there before the next bride does..

Next, choose your wedding entertainment. Whether it’s a DJ or a band, these are the second to be booked quickly. The best DJs have a reputation for quality and tons of referrals so booking them early is important. By the same token, DON’T RUSH YOUR DECISION! Next to having a place for your reception, the entertainment is the second most valuable investment in your special day. From the ceremony to the last dance, your DJ serves as your wedding director, master of ceremonies, and your mouthpiece to deal with other wedding vendors to coordinate and execute all of the events of your reception. With that said, just like the venue, the first brides get what they want. The ones who wait leave a lot to chance and will more than likely have to settle for what ever is left.

Next, your photographer, videographer, and extras should be next.

As the old saying goes, “The early bird gets the worm.” There’s a lot of truth to that statement, So follow your gut, and plan early. It’ll be the best decision you make for your special day.