
Why are brides afraid to hire DJs for their wedding?

This year has been quite intense as we have been working at a feverish pace and participating in 7 Bridal shows in the first quarter. We have met with well over 200 brides in the 5 shows we have done so far and the one thing that seems to come up in conversation with brides is the fear factor while trying to hire djs.

It wasn’t the lighting. It wasn’t the music play lists. It wasn’t even the DJs chosen attire for the day. It was the entertainment itself. We heard MANY horror stories from weddings that these brides had attended about DJs who were so wild and crazy that they were a nussainse to the guests. Jumping on tables to play a make believe saxophone to the Blues Brothers, constantly talking through songs while the guests were trying to dance, and just tomfoolery in general.

This as a DJ is very distressing because it affects our industry as a whole. The expression, one bad apple spoils the bunch is brought  to the forefront on this topic time and time again.

Let me start off by saying, there is a DJ for everyone out there. From the wild and crazy to the quiet and conservative. It’s up to the bride to choose what they would like to have for their special day. But, as we all know, a wedding for most is a once in a life time experience. There are so many factors and moving parts that all have to be taken care of to make sure that a bride’s dream becomes a reality. That’s where your master of ceremonies comes in.

When a bride asks me, “What do you do? What kind of DJ are you?” or tells me a horror story I only have one response. I tell them that this is not the Aaron show. I am not there to take the spotlight off of you. This is YOUR day. My job is to make sure everyone knows that and celebrates your special day with you.

Expect more from your entertainment.

Cheap Wedding Djs – The Big Box Wedding Factory

Looking for Cheap Wedding DJs?

You’ve got your ring. You’ve got the date set and your venue picked out. Now it’s time to find the rest of your wedding team to make your dreams come true. So you begin googling all of the services and come across an ad up top that says, “WEDDING DJ PACKAGES $395″

Being the thrifty shopper you are you click on the deal of the day and begin reading. You see hundreds if not thousands of reviews from past brides are available and stock photos of model quality couples having a good time are on the website giving you the best case scenario. It seems too good to be true.  How could something so perfect cost so little?

Here’s how it works. You put your information into a form with your wedding date and location and the company calls you. You tell them you are looking for a DJ for your wedding and they tell you they have one available and get your credit card information. $395 and you’re good to go. You hang up the phone feeling proud that you just saved a ton of cash and that you can check one more thing off your to-do list for your wedding.

On the other end of the phone, the person you just talked to pulls out their list of DJs in your area. He picks one and sends them an email telling them that they have a GIG  on your wedding day. The DJ puts your date in the calendar and that’s the last time he thinks about you until your wedding.

Let’s back up for a moment. Your wedding, the day you have been dreaming about since you were a little girl is now in the hands of someone that you have never met, never talked to, never seen their work or any references to their ability to make your dream wedding a reality. What could go wrong?

There are dozens of videos of news stories with cheap wedding DJs who are a no show, or if they do show up, they are dressed inappropriately or did not take the time necessary to see to it that their client’s needs and desires were met. And the one thing in common with ALL of those news stories was the video clip of the tearful bride who paid $400 and was promised the world.

When it comes time to take the next step in the planning process, take your time. Meet with as many wedding professionals as possible. And make an informed decision. Make sure the person you are meeting is the person who will be taking care of your wedding. Quality entertainment is not expensive, it’s priceless.

Will your song requests make the final cut?

Dancefloor science – Will your song requests make the final cut?

Everyone has their favorite tune or band that they listen to. But how well do they translate to the dancefloor? Think about your ipod playlist or the radio station you listen to. What do you listen to while you’re at work, in the car driving home, or in the bar on a Thursday night?

Every song has a purpose. If you’re hanging out at your dad’s bar, he might be listening to the Bob Dylan or George Thoroughgood. If you’re in the car, maybe some uptempo rock or top 40 is in order. If you’re at work, more than likely your employer tunes into the ‘safe at work’ station that has the word ‘lite’ attatched to it.

But what about the dancefloor at a wedding, school, or corporate event. Chances are, you know what to expect from each. At a wedding, there are some standards that almost always get played. Things like Love Shack, Build me up Buttercup, and the YMCA are all time tested and proven floor fillers. Why? They just work. But what if you’re not into the standards and you want to hear some Manheim Steamroller? Chances are, it’s probably not going to happen. For no other reason other than, a DJ’s purpose is to play for the masses and their job is to pack the floor and keep it full.

Now, what if you’re the bride or groom? Does being the client give you any clout? Absolutely it does. You trust your DJ to make the right decision. After all, this is what you hired them for. Your favorite song may not lend itself to dancing. So where does it fit in? During cocktail hour or dinner service. Dinner is a great opportunity to ‘LISTEN’ to some great music. By playing some of your requests that aren’t danceable during dinner, this allows your guests to share in the joy of a personalized music selection by you. There’s no law that says, ‘KENNY G must be played during dinner.” It can be just about anything you want, within reason of course. Sepultura is probably a little difficult for some folks to digest. But, you get the idea.

So don’t worry about spending days on end thumbing through all of your MP3’s and creating a 5 hour long mix for your DJ to play. Trust your DJ and help them help you take the pressure off your shoulders. Give them a few suggestions that will tell them enough about your taste in music and like a tenured sommelier, they’ll be able to pair the perfect music for every occasion throughout the evening.

It’s our job to entertain. It’s your job to enjoy your special day. It’s all about you.

Wedding Disc Jockeys – It’s time to raise the bar.

This is a post I have been holding off on for quite some time. But, for those of you who have met me in person, you know that I never pull any punches and I will be honest with you. So here goes…

Every day, I keep up with the latest DJ industry news, the bridal forums on weddingwire, DJ forums on facebook, and many other entertainment and wedding specific groups and publications. Sadly, alot of what I read is the same old regurgitated topics.  How do I make more money as a DJ? Why do DJs charge so much? I lost a wedding to an ipod. And last but not least, my sister’s wedding dj ruined her wedding, I’m thinking of using an ipod.

All things considered, I believe I have found the one detail that these topics have in common. SERVICE.
Why service you ask? It’s simple really. Whether you’re a DJ or a bride, service is king. When we purchase equipment or subscribe to a website like WeddingWire, we want the best service possible so that we know if need be, we’ll be taken care of. The same goes for brides and clients of all types. When you hire your DJ or wedding team, you want to make sure that everything will be on point, stress free, and enjoyable. So why are we seeing the same old ‘CHEAP’ topics coming up?

The economy has been in a downward spiral for 5 years now and companies are tightening their belts. People are getting laid off in record numbers and for some, becoming a DJ overnight to make fast cash seems like a great idea. It’s not.
These weekend warriors and overnight companies lack the experience and the business sense that goes into running a successful entertainment company and things like ‘Taking care of the customer’ and ‘Holding yourself accountable’ seem to pass by and ultimately, the client pays the price.

The same can be said for the client. If you’ve fallen on hard times or are trying to be fiscally responsible, you may be cutting costs where and when you can. That being said, you also know as a seasoned consumer, that when you invest in something, you want to make sure that you get a return on investment. That’s where the professional comes in.

So here’s my message to my colleagues and competitors:
You know that the economy is bad. Instead of banging your head against a wall and waiting for the next dollar to come through, raise the bar. You need to be on your A game and above. If you take care of the client in the down economy, when we’re on the rebound, those clients will be customers for life and will grow with your business.

To my brides & clients:
Knowing what you know now, DON’T SETTLE for the lowest bidder. They are a dime a dozen. Not all wedding Disc Jockeys are created equal. Take the time now to meet with your wedding vendors and choose the one that best suits your needs. You’ll be glad you did.

Just another DJ. What’s the big deal?


Just another DJ. What’s the big deal?

Yes. We went there.

What has been your experience with DJs in the past? Has it been so excrutiangly loud that your head pounded for days? Was it too quiet and announcements couldn’t be heard when the bride and groom were introduced? Or maybe it was the fog in the air that you were choking on. If all of these sound familiar, this is the article for you.

When we do an event, we are very organized and want to make sure that EVERY detail is gone through with a fine tooth comb before we proceed. That being said, everything from the sound coverage to the last light shining on the floor has a place and a purpose for your event.

For some DJs, the bare minimum is enough. And for others, bringing everything but the kitchen sink is perfectly acceptable. The important thing to remember is, every event is different and has different requirements. One set of speakers in a small or medium size room with 8ft ceilings may do the trick. If you’re in a 10,000 sq ft room at the Aqua Turf, 1 set of speakers is probably not enough. Not from a volume standpoint but from a coverage standpoint. Think of sound like a painter would paint.

You can paint a bathroom with a single gallon of paint. But if you are painting the exterior of a house, you need several gallons to get the job done or you will have missed spots and dead areas.

When you’re hiring your entertainment or event production company for your next event, make sure they have the tools for the job so that your attendees will go home happy.

How to hire a DJ

How to hire a DJ

Engagement & Bridal show season is upon us and both brides and wedding vendors are getting ready for wedding season. So, this usually leads to the question, “Who do I choose?”

With so many options available for venues, djs, videographers, photo booths, photographers, etc… the list goes on and on. But how SHOULD you choose your wedding DJ? Let me show you how.

If you visit google and do a search for wedding djs in your area, you’ll notice a plethora of results. Hundreds and hundreds of DJs who are waiting for you to pick up the phone. You’ll see wedding specific websites, club style, and from the extravagant to the bargain basement DJ. With so many options, it’s difficult to know which one to choose. Or is it?

Think about this for a second. Your wedding reception is going to be one of the most memorable moments of your life. You want the best. Keep this in mind, what may be the best for one bride may be totally different from what you had in mind. Ask yourself, what is important to you? Who can you trust to make this reception go flawlessly?

You want experience, professionalism, class, sophistication, fun, and something that fits your budget. You want someone who will make it their mission to see that your special day is perfect. Someone who will work with the venue and other wedding vendors to make sure that the timeline transitions will be smooth. Someone who will engage your guests and keep the energy positive and the dance floor filled regardless of what age your guests are.

All of the things that I just mentioned are believe it or not a rare find. That’s why it is SO important for you to research your wedding DJ before the big day. Meet with them at an initial consultation to see what their all about. If the DJ automatically starts spewing off how much equipment they have and telling you that he does 400 weddings a year, prepare to hear a used car salesman pitch. However, if he’s laid back, cool and confident and asks YOU what you are looking for, he’s interested in how he can make your wedding reception a success.

Also, be wary of the lowest bidder. It’s tempting to go for the best deal like that shirt you found on sale on the clearance rack for just $5 that was $30 just 2 weeks ago.Keep in mind, there’s a reason why it was on the clearance rack. Noone wanted it. It’s a leftover. The same can be said for your wedding entertainment. The DJs who put a vested interest in your day will not be the least expensive option. They may also not be the most expensive either.

The most important factor of finding the right DJ for your wedding reception is that they are a good fit for you and your guests. More than the cheese tray, the colored bows on every chair back,  and the hot rolls served before dinner, your guests will remember if they enjoyed themselves and were entertained the most.

Your wedding reception will run an average of 5 hours, make them count. You get ONE opportunity to have the time of your life. Investing in your entertainment is what makes your special day a success.