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D.I.WHY? – DIY Weddings – Hiring a professional costs less in the end.

Mason jars, candy bars, grandma’s sewing machine, and cookies.

Sounds like fun doesn’t it? For the every day crafter, it sure does. But for the rest of us, it’s a whole lotta work. So why is it more and more couples are turning to DIY weddings? The answer is simple. It all boils down to money. A proper budget is one of the hardest things to overcome when planning weddings. In the days of old, the bride’s parents would foot the bill for their little girl’s wedding and at times even re-finance their house just to give their daughter the wedding of her dreams. No expense was spared and she had the best of everything at her fingertips.

Today in 2014, jobs are scarce and money is tight. REAL TIGHT. So DIY weddings naturally become a popular option on the guise of saving money. But think about this for a moment… How many people do you know fix their own car, build their home from the ground up,  do their own plumbing, or god for bid, perform their own surgery? There’s just some things that are best left in the hands of a professional. Now I’m not saying that DIY weddings aren’t possible and that they are all bad. The truth is, there are some really great weddings that we have been a part of that were 90% DIY. But that’s just it. It’s 90%. There are still some things that even the most crafty and thrifty couples saw the value in hiring a professional.

We’ll start with the venue. Why is having your wedding at a venue a great idea? Think about it! You need to do NOTHING except ENJOY your wedding. All of the food is taken care of and is cooked to perfection. The climate, furniture, restrooms, parking, and reception space are plentiful, tidy, and perfect. Some if not all venues have countless referrals for photographers, videographers, DJs and more on speed dial that are proven to be the best option and the wide variety of these vendors gives you, the couple, the ability to choose the right vendor based on your personal preferences.

And while we’re on the topic of photographers, let’s dive into that a bit. Why are good photographers so expensive? There’s a reason for that. Supply and demand. Your wedding photos are going to be on your wall and the walls of your family’s house for decades. You’ve spent a ton of time, effort, and in most instances money, on making sure that you, your bridal party, the ceremony, reception, and everything that comes with it looks it’s absolute best for your wedding day. Why wouldn’t you want to preserve that beauty in the perfect photo to remember for years to come? As tempting as it is to have your friends, snap away with out of focus with quick enhanced valencia or xx pro coloring on instagram for free, wouldn’t it be nice when you’re holding hands with your spouse at 83 years old to look at your wedding photo in your hands and just smile because he still takes your breath away? You can’t put a price on that feeling. It’s the best feeling in the world.

Let’s talk about music for a second. You might be able to make one hell of an itunes playlist but, not everyone enjoys the same music you do. Not every song was made with the intention of facilitating dancing. Music has a purpose. It’s meant to create an emotional response and picking the right song at the right moment could be the difference between celebration and awkward silence. A good DJ will be able to honor your musical tastes and keep your guests happy and entertained. And since we’re talking about DJs, almost everyone knows a DJ these days. The fraternity brother from college who still spins for fun at the local bar, your 13 year old cousin who’s parents bought him consumer grade equipment at Wal-Mart who listens to nothing but EDM and hip-hop, your brother Steve who is in a classic rock band that owns some PA gear and has a MacBook pro with lots of Steve Miller, Eagles, and Frank Zappa for those epic 20 minute orchestral oddities that everyone loves. Yes, they’re all out there and you know at least one of them. But why chance the day you’ve been dreaming about for 25 years to half working equipment and unpolished emcee skills? This is your wedding. There is no UNDO button. It’s a one shot deal and it’s gotta be PERFECT.

Now with all of this considered, there are some things that are great for DIY. Centerpieces and Invitations for example. Flowers will grow and flowers will die. Candles will be formed and they will melt. Invitations will be printed and will be discarded. Neither you or your guests will EVER remember your invitations or centerpieces as the star of your wedding. What they will remember are the memories that were created that will live on forever. Your beautiful smile, how happy you and your spouse were that day, the dancing, and of course, those beautiful photos.

Ask yourself, what is most important to you. And then decide if DIY is the right choice.

The Backyard Wedding – Is it really less work?

Backyard weddings. Once thought of as cheap and tacky, these weddings have been the butt of many jokes. But as of late, more and more couples are embracing the ‘Country’ atmosphere. While many wedding venues offer 5 star service, breathtaking architecture, prime rib, chicken picatta, and filet of sole, backyard weddings serve up something different from the norm. A relaxed atmosphere.

So what kind of couple does a backyard wedding? Every couple! From the wealthiest couples to the bluest of blue collar, backyard weddings have one thing in common. Family. If you love the atmosphere of a close encounter with your closest family and friends, this is a great option for you. But it’s more than just slapping up a $50 canopy from Wal-Mart, plugging in an iPod, and your drunk Uncle John burning meat on a grill.

There are a TON of things to think about before your backyard wedding.

1. The Weather. Mother nature does what mother nature wants. If you’re planning your wedding in July, expect a few surprises. High humidity and thunderstorms are very common during the mid-summer months. This is where solid shelter can make all the difference. If you’re going to rent a tent, spare no expense. A proper events rental company will have everything you need to make sure that your guests stay dry and comfortable.

2. Dinner on the rocks. Backyard weddings are typically a little more casual than weddings held at a wedding venue. But don’t forget tables & chairs! These rentals could get costly depending on how many guests you invite.

3. You’ve got the POWER. Hiring a DJ, or wedding band? They need LOTS of power. Be sure to have plenty of dedicated and easily accessible power readily available for your entertainment. If you’re having your wedding catered on site, they will need power as well because they are bringing a mobile version of their commercial kitchen with them.

4. Not so fine china. Disposable flatware has come a long way. You can purchase strong disposable flatware from your event rental or party vendor that will give you just the right amount of class while making clean up a snap!

5. Get TRASHED. Make sure you have enough trash receptacles for the amount of guests you are inviting. Put them in obvious places such as the bar and around the tent to make sure that your property stays looking clean and tidy.

6. Find your inner green thumb. With all of the effort you’re putting in to shelter, seating, food, drink, and entertainment, don’t forget about your wedding photographer. Having some nice flowers and landscaping to use for your photos is a must.

7. Restrooms. Homes are typically built for families of 5 and under. Make sure your home can take the extra people. If you’re not sure, renting portable toilets might be your best option.

8. Bugs really bite during a wedding. If you live in a highly rural area, you might consider treating your property with a bug repellant. Head to your local home improvement store and ask what will work best for your needs.

All in all, you get what you put into it. A backyard wedding is a lot of work but, if you do it right, it can be AMAZING!

The backyard wedding of Ali & Aaron



Backyard Weddings: The wedding of Ali & Aaron


On a beautiful New England Summer afternoon in July, Ali & Aaron were wed at Ali’s childhood home in Cheshire, CT. It was the perfect day for Mr and Mrs Stubbs as they and 50 of their closest friends and family from around the globe celebrated their special day.

Backyard weddings are generally more laid back then your typical wedding. The atmosphere is very cozy and homey. Which was great for this wedding. Aaron and his family are from Australia. As you can imagine, a 23 hr flight can cause some serious jet lag. But the Stubb family wasn’t going to let a little trip half way across the planet get in the way of enjoying themselves.

Guests were treated to margaritas and sweet tea along with a barbecue style dinner. Perfect for the 4th of July weekend. And then there was the dancing. This was especially exciting for me because it was a challenge. 50 people, jet lag, backyard wedding, in the heat, with a late sunset and a groom who PROMISED that he was not a dancer. And yet with all of those factors thrown into the mix, 50 people danced the night away until 10pm. We even got Aaron out on the floor! YAY!

After the party came to a close, Ali’s uncle treated guests to an exciting aerial fireworks display that lit up the skies. It was the per

fect end to a perfect day.   Check out some of the BEAUTIFUL photos at for more breathtaking photos!

o face, favorite wedding song, favorite song, thats my jam, music playlist, wedding playlist, wedding dj in ct

Wedding Throwbacks: Show your ‘O’ face at your wedding.

Wedding Throwbacks: Show your ‘o’ face at your wedding.

Wait. What?

Yes, you read that correctly. Showing your ‘O’ face at a wedding has a little different meaning than one might think. It’s the face you make when you hear a song that brings back a memory. Typically followed by the phrase, “THAT’S MY JAM!” Maybe it was a high school dance with friends or that song you and your girlfriends used to sing together in college using hair brushes and curling irons as microphones. What ever it is, it was a great time in your life.

What not a better way to commemorate those glory days with a guilty pleasure song. So what’s your guilty pleasure song?

In the 80’s it may have been Mony Mony.
If you were a 90’s kid, it was probably a boy band like New Kids on the Block or Backstreet boys.
Either way, the songs that you publicly shame and secretly love are a great way to get people up and moving. So the next time you are thumbing through your wedding playlist, add a guilty pleasure to the mix and watch your guests making the ‘O’ face. If they do, it’s their guilty pleasure song too.


Wedding Checklist

The go to Brides Wedding Checklist


There’s a lot to think about on your wedding day. It can be overwhelming. Here are the 10 most important things you need to do on your special day.

1. Spend time with the folks: Your wedding is a very big day for them too. They’ve taken the journey from marriage to parenthood and this is the moment where they watch all of their hard work and dedication pay off.

2. Keep it clean: Assign clean up to someone. You’re going to be getting your dress on, your makeup done, and your hair done. This takes nothing short of a broadway costume and makeup team to execute. The cleaning up the aftermath ensures that nothing gets left behind and you look your absolute best!

3. Pass a love note to your soon to be hubby:  With everything going on around you, the thoughts and memories of your relationship are probably running through your mind. Send a courier or one of your BFFs to hand deliver a love note to that special man. It’s guaranteed to make his day on the biggest day of his life.

4. Set your mp3 player to FUN mode with a happy and fun playlist: While you’re rushing about getting yourself ready, crank up the tunes and enjoy the pampering experience. Music helps keep people moving and motivated and is sure to keep the spirits high so when it’s time for your nuptials, you’ll have a smile that lights up the room.

5. Happy Feet, Means a Happy Bride: Ditch the heels. You’re going to be roaming about in heels for a minimum of 6 hours. Just short of a solid work day from the ceremony, through pictures, and your entrance. Those beach flip flops sure do come in handy. Don’t worry about how it looks. They’ll be under your dress and your guests will be focused on your radiant glow.

6. Polish your ring: Your ring should shine like your love for one another. Give it a quick polish so that your diamond matches the glimmer in your eyes.

7. Grub it up: Don’t forget to eat breakfast and lunch. This is the happiest day of your life. Feel good in every way you can. Make sure that you have sustenance to keep you fueled up for the reception.

8. Get Water Logged in your dress: Be sure to drink PLENTY of water. Champagne and wine are great for flavor but they’ll dry you out. If you’re doing an outdoor ceremony, you’ll more than likely be in direct sunlight. Unparch yourself with spring water.

9. Throw your phone on the charger until it’s time to leave: If your wedding party or a vendor needs to contact you, it’s very important to have a way to communicate with the people making your dreams a reality.

10. Who doesn’t like yoga pants: After all is said and done and you’ve taken off your dress and wiped the sweat from your brow,  be sure to have your favorite yoga/sweat pants and t-shirt handy. You’ll be comfortable and happy.

theater wedding, ballroom dance wedding, westover school, weddings in ct

The Theater Wedding of Meghan & Alex

Theater Wedding of Meghan & Alex @ the LBD Performing Arts Centert at Westover School in Middlebury, CT

On June 14th 2014, we headed back to one of our favorite places. The theater.
But this time, it wasn’t for a play or a concert, it was the wedding of Meghan and Alex. The LBD Theater at Westover School in Middlebury was transformed from a performing arts center to a lavish and romantic wedding venue where 200 guests enjoyed an upscale wedding.

The LBD features a solid hard wood floor that was PERFECT for dancing, which was exceptionally important for Meghan and Alex. Meghan is a dance teacher at Westover and her new hubby Alex is a professional ballroom dancer. Nearly all of their guests shared their love of dance and joined in the festivities with many different styles ranging from the classic foxtrot to the modern twerk and everything in between.

The atmosphere was truly magical with white lanterns that cascaded above the theater floor which made up the dancefloor and reception area. The stage acted as the bridal party head table with the VIP’s looking down at their guests. With a soft red backdrop, break up patterns on the floor, paired with a color rich dancefloor and the aurora borealis projected on the ceiling, and finished with shimmering stars, romance was in the air.

For 3 hours, the dancefloor was PACKED with guests young and old helping Meghan and Alex celebrate their new journey together.
Congratulations to Meghan & Alex on their marriage!


Dancing down the aisle at a wedding

Wedding Ceremony – Dancing down the aisle

Jill and Kevin LOVE to dance anywhere, any time. And their wedding ceremony was no exception. Watch as Jill, Kevin and the rest of their bridal party rock this church with the BEST WEDDING INTRO EVER! Their bridal party moved, shook, and dropped down the aisle to Chris Brown’s 2007 love infused hit “Forever” from the album “EXCLUSIVE” This fun and happy song is a favorite amongst couples for introductions but as you can see by the video, it really set the vibe for the rest of the reception.

Which just goes to show you, you don’t have to wait til you get to the dance floor to have some fun on your wedding day. So put on your dancing shoes and then head to the church to ask permission from your pastor about foregoing hearing “Here comes the Bride!” on a bombastic pipe organ rattling from the rafters and instead playing secular music in the church. If the church does not have an adequate sound system for music play back, be sure to ask your wedding disc jockey if they would be willing and able to lend a hand by upgrading to a ceremony sound system for the church. GOOD LUCK and DANCE DOWN THE AISLE!

Visit for more information or to donate towards violence prevention.

Wedding Vows: The secret to til death do us part.

WEDDING VOWS: The secret til death do us part.

The words, “To death do us part” are common place during a wedding for wedding vows. For some it’s just words but think about it for a moment. What does it mean to be together forever? How do you see your partner? How will you see them in 10, 20, or 50 years from today? This song and it’s video is the perfect definition of what ‘FOREVER’ means. Dontchange by Musiq is a soulful look into the perfect marriage. The sense of togetherness, longing, responsibility, partnership and communication are all featured in the video.

WATCH: DontChange by Musiq

Must have photos for your wedding

6 Must Have Photos to get from your wedding.

How many wedding magazines do you have sitting on your coffee table? I bet there’s quite a few. And in browsing those magazines, you see PERFECT photos with amazing detail of dresses, cakes, flowers and all of the pretty things they want you to buy for your wedding. But think for a moment about YOUR wedding. What do YOU want to remember?

All of those items listed above are there to create a setting. The flowers will die, the cake will be eaten, and the dress will end up in a box in the attic. But what you and everyone else will remember are the tender moments and how much fun they had at your wedding. As our good friend Eric Foley says, ‘Wedding photos should be timeless.’  Trends come and ago but your memories last a lifetime.

Get lots of pictures of private moments between you and your new spouse. Some of the best moments captured on film are those that aren’t posed.

Your grandparents. These are the kind and sweet people that have been married for 50 years. their marriage is a testament to what is to come for you and your new spouse. Behind those wrinkles and gray hair, is a love that is just as vibrant as the day they met and it is beautiful.

Your bridal party and family. Enjoy those moments with those are close to you and get lots of candid moments with loved ones. They’re great for showing the kids when they get older.

A packed dancefloor. Your kids will NEVER believe that their mom or dad could cut a rug like you can. And plus, besides your wedding day, it will encourage you to dance with your spouse often whenever you can and you will remember it as one of the happiest days of your life.

Goodbyes. There’s nothing more gratifying then seeing a smile on your face hugging the ones that you love.

Riding off into the sunset. After all is said and done, you can see the day progress from start to finish. From looking your absolute best to looking exhausted and content from having the time of your life at your wedding. When you see that photo, it will serve as a constant reminder of how AWESOME your wedding was!

Inappropriate Wedding Traditions

Inappropriate wedding traditions.

Inappropriate Wedding Traditions
You’re planning your special day and wonder, what traditions should I take part in for my wedding? There are so many, it’s mind boggling. From cake cutting to rice throwing, and many more. But what if you took part in some wedding traditions outside of your wedding? Can you imagine wearing a tux to your construction job? Or separating your friends on either side of the room depending on who you like better? How about putting a miniature version of you on top of that sandwich in the lunch room while you’re on break from the morning rush at the office? Well wonder no more. The witty folks at Buzzfeed  did exactly that. They recreate some of the most common wedding traditions in the most awkward of situations. The work place.

Warning, do not try this at work. Throwing rice at a co-worker while leaving the building might end in an awkward situation.

Watch buzzfeed’s

Things You Do at a Wedding That’d Be Creepy Anywhere Else