
Why are brides afraid to hire DJs for their wedding?

This year has been quite intense as we have been working at a feverish pace and participating in 7 Bridal shows in the first quarter. We have met with well over 200 brides in the 5 shows we have done so far and the one thing that seems to come up in conversation with brides is the fear factor while trying to hire djs.

It wasn’t the lighting. It wasn’t the music play lists. It wasn’t even the DJs chosen attire for the day. It was the entertainment itself. We heard MANY horror stories from weddings that these brides had attended about DJs who were so wild and crazy that they were a nussainse to the guests. Jumping on tables to play a make believe saxophone to the Blues Brothers, constantly talking through songs while the guests were trying to dance, and just tomfoolery in general.

This as a DJ is very distressing because it affects our industry as a whole. The expression, one bad apple spoils the bunch is brought  to the forefront on this topic time and time again.

Let me start off by saying, there is a DJ for everyone out there. From the wild and crazy to the quiet and conservative. It’s up to the bride to choose what they would like to have for their special day. But, as we all know, a wedding for most is a once in a life time experience. There are so many factors and moving parts that all have to be taken care of to make sure that a bride’s dream becomes a reality. That’s where your master of ceremonies comes in.

When a bride asks me, “What do you do? What kind of DJ are you?” or tells me a horror story I only have one response. I tell them that this is not the Aaron show. I am not there to take the spotlight off of you. This is YOUR day. My job is to make sure everyone knows that and celebrates your special day with you.

Expect more from your entertainment.