Wedding floor plan: Where should I put my DJ?

Are you completing your wedding floor plan? Where should I put my DJ?
Should I put them on the dance floor? How about in the corner next to the ficus tree? Oh wait, I know. Let’s put them smack dab next to my grandparents.

Where you put your DJ in the floor plan has a direct effect on the success of your event. The aforementioned locations are all very common when it comes to producing a floor plan. So where should you put your DJ?

The best location in the room whether it’s a private event, corporate holiday party, wedding, or anywhere a DJ is needed would be on the dance floor. Your entertainment should be visible to your guests. This allows the DJ to address your guests and capture their attention for any events or ongoings during your event. To keep from having to repeat the same message over and over again, sometimes a visual aid helps to grab the eyes of guests to let them know something is about to happen.

Another reason why the dance floor is the best place for your DJ is due to sound. The more centrally located the DJ is in the room, the less volume they will need to get the sound where it needs to be. In the case of being put in the corner next to the ficus tree, a DJ must crank it up to enable the guests in the far reaches of the room to hear things like toasts, announcements, and introductions. It is also very difficult to capture the attention of your guests when hiding in the corner.

And while we’re on the topic of sound, let’s talk about our more seasoned guests. It’s no secret, old people HATE loud anything. The NUMBER ONE complaint about DJs at any event is that they are too loud. For our 21 – 35 year old audience, volume isn’t as much of a concern. People in that age range attend bars, clubs, and concerts regularly. It’s expected that the music and the energy of the room will likely be matched in volume. But to a person with sensitive ears or intolerant ears, regardles of how quiet a DJ is, the constant exposure to professional grade audio equipment is hard on the ears.

For the comfort and enjoyment of your guests, consider putting your DJ front and center. We’re not trying to take the attention off of you. We just want your event to be successful and your guests to be comfortable.

How a man of the woods inspired me to be a better performer

It’s no secret. If you’re a DJ, you’ve played a Justin Timberlake track at least once in your career. He’s become a staple in the music industry for now nearly 30 years. He’s enjoyed similar success as the king of pop, Michael Jackson as an international superstar. From his time at the mickey mouse club all the way to Madison Square Garden, and appearing in films and doing voice over work, there’s no aspect of the entertainment industry he hasn’t had a hand in.

It is this kind of drive and determination that inspires. He is the driving force behind the music in every song and every stadium he peforms. He is creative, adgile, talented, funny, and from what we see, an all around good guy. This is a great formula for success. But along with all of these amazing attributes that contribute to his global success, it all boils down to the performance.

3 weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending Madison Square Garden for his Man of the Woods tour. Let me tell you, it was by far one of THE BEST shows I have seen in decades. The stage spanned the entire rink at the garden and there was not a bad seat in the house. For 2 and a half hours, he engaged with and performed for 20,000 screaming fans. His energy was infectious. There was not a low point in the show.

One of the highlights that I found to be both unexpected and entertaining was when he stripped his performance down to the basics with a campfire, acoustic guitars, and performances by several of his bandmates singing some of their favorites. This spoke to me especially as a DJ because often times, we always think bigger is better. But in the midst of organized chaos that was probably the event production from hell for the tech crew, this small moment enveloped the audience and gave them a very intimate moment with Justin.

The show spoke to many generations, spanned across several genres, and kept the audience engaged. And THAT is the goal with every event I do. I felt inspired on the ride home and began thinking to myself, how can I push myself even harder to bring the best performance possible to my clients and guests? How can I push the envelope and leave my guests wanting more.

The Man of the Woods gave me a challenge. To work harder, leave no stone unturned, and perform like your life depended on it. That will be the theme for Pryme Tyme moving forward.

Take control of your wedding – Hire a professional

It’s your day. And you’re the boss.

You’ve taken creative control of the decor, the bridesmaids dresses, the menu, what shots your photographer needs to take, and have written a minute to minute schedule of events that must be adhered to or there will be hell to pay. Sound familiar? It happens every day.

With so many things to think about to ensure that your $20,000, 6 hour celebration goes off with out a glitch, it is understandable that you want to ensure that things go to plan. It’s also easy to understand that with making that kind of investment, theres some stress that comes along with it. You and your soon to be spouse have made a commitment to throwing the best party that world has ever seen. But this is different than setting up a veggie tray and some chips & salsa on the counter at your home.

A wedding is very much like a theatrical production.
(Cue the house lights, fade to 50%. Enter bride, stage left)

Because your wedding has so many moving parts to make it perfect, you must rely on the expertise of trusted professionals to orchestrate your vision down to every last detail. And when it comes to hiring professionals, it requires an investment of not only money, but trust as well. You’ve picked the venue of your choosing, the photographer that you feel will capture you at your best, the hair and makeup team that will enhance your natural radiant beauty and hide the imperfections that you stare at in the mirror for hours, and a wedding planner that has your vision in the front of their mind from start to finish. But beyond all of that, it all comes down to the DJ.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while now, you know that it’s a pro-DJ sentiment. And why is this?

At every meeting that we conduct with new couples like you, we always ask, “What do you remember about the last wedding you attended?” Suffice to say, 9 out of 10 couples say the same thing. They talk about the food and they talk about the entertainment. It’s what is remembered the most. We also often hear stories about how the DJ couldn’t quite get people dancing and after thinking about it for a moment, many times we hear that the couple had complete control over the music being played and furnished the DJ with a playlist.

Now there’s nothing inadvertently wrong with playlists. I mean let’s face it. You like what you like. BUT, your guests may not share the same tastes in music as you. What may get you shaking your ass on the dance floor might be your grandmother’s version of kryptonite. And what might be your spouse’s “JAM” might clear the floor. And we know, line dances aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. They are typically the first offenders on the DO NOT PLAY list.

So this begs the question, how do you ensure that you and your guests will enjoy your celebration? Hire professionals. Invest in what is most important to you. And TRUST the professionals you hire to put their best foot forward for you. Take the time to meet with and interview your creative team. Communicate with them often, and breathe.
You’ve got enough on your plate and we know that.

Investing in your celebration means more enjoyment for you and your guests, and less stress for you.

2018 Average Connecticut Wedding DJ Prices

average dj prices, prices for wedding djs, wedding dj pricing

2018 Average Connecticut Wedding Dj Prices

It’s that time of the year again! Engagement season is in full swing with Christmas, and New Years eve and now Valentines day in the very near future. If you’ve been dating for a while and you’re going to make it official, you’re going to start budgeting for your upcoming wedding.

First comes your venue, then your creative team (DJs, Photographers, Videographers) followed by all the things that you saw on Pinterest that are MUST HAVES for your wedding. But how do you begin to figure out a budget for the big day? It all boils down to priority. In many cases, you’ve heard that the DJ can make or break or your wedding. Simply because, they are the keeper of the keys when it comes to the timeline and keeping guests entertained from start to finish. Trust me when I tell you, having the right DJ for the job makes all the difference.

Weddingwire, the largest online wedding publication in the world just published their 2018 findings for the average wedding budget with each category. If you are a couple and you’re reading this article, you have to be mindful of something. While the national average cost for a DJ is somewhere in the $800 range, you have to take into account the region that you live in and the region where your wedding will be held.

Connecticut, New York, Long Island, New Jersey, California, and Hawaii are some of the most expensive states to live and work in. That being said, you can expect to pay a premium for having your wedding in those states. But, as we stated in a previous article “10 Reasons Why Connecticut is the Wedding Capitol of New England”, there are a treasure trove of beautiful venues and landscapes that couples really gravitate towards. We literally have the best of everything here in the Northeast.

In 2018, Connecticut’s average PROFESSIONAL GRADE wedding DJ prices range between $1400-3100 respectively depending on location and experience. That number does not take into account addons such as intelligent lighting, photo booths, or ceremonies. But as always, when interviewing your DJ, first and foremost above all else, make sure they are a good fit.

Good luck in your search and HAPPY PLANNING!

2017 Wrap Up and Moving Forward with Weddings

2017 was a whirwind year here at Pryme Tyme Entertainment. After tallying up all of the events we did, we came out at a very reasonable 97 events for the 2017 calendar year. Our best year yet in over 24 years.

We’ve entertained in some of our favorite venues like Wood Acres Farm, Aqua Turf, Aria, Lighthouse Point Park. And we’ve visited some new ones that we’ve never been to before like Roia in New Haven. But all in all, the goal was the same with each event we did. To create and provide a great experience for our clients and guests.

We’ve moved temporarily to Naugatuck and are conducting appointments via SKYPE and meeting at Starbucks but, the plan is to get out of the valley as soon as possible. Where we’ll end up in CT is unclear and we are currently researching our options to find a new home.

We’d like to thank all of our clients from 2017 and congratulate all of our 2018 couples that have entrusted us with one of life’s most momentous occasions. We look forward to helping you celebrate with your family and friends.

Here’s to a terrific 2018! We’ll see you on the road.

Autism Awareness @ Caddillac Ranch in Southington

April 8th will be a knock down drag out good time at Connecticut’s favorite country spot, the Cadillac Ranch. April 8th 2017 is SOPHISTICATED SATURDAY at the Caddy. Dress your best and be sure to light it up blue for Autism Awareness. Wear your blue shirts, ties, dresses, hats, and other blue apparel you might have.
Admission is just $5 at the door. Waitstaff will have blue glow items available to support awareness.

line dance lessons, dance lessons, beginner line dance lessons, beginner line dance workshop

Beginner line dance workshop

As an added bonus, the Cadillac Ranch will be hosting a beginner linedance workshop from 4-6pm. Paula Frohn & Gayle Melonson will be teaching some of the most popular beginner dances that afternoon. So if you’ve always wanted to try line dancing at see what it’s all about, be sure to come to he workshop! Admission for the workshop is just $10 and guests can enjoy Sophisticated Saturday with NO COVER if they take advantage of the beginner class.

While you’re there, be sure to grab a menu and enjoy some mouth watering wings, a juicy burger, or a cold beverage from one of 2 of the bars at the Cadillac Ranch.

DJ Aaron DeMarest from Pryme Tyme Entertainment will be your DJ for the evening playing all of your favorite country and line dance hits from 7pm-2am. We’ll see you at the Cadillac Ranch!

Can I get a cash discount?

Sure! You can ABSOLUTELY get a cash discount for your services. You’ll save money on checks, pen ink, postage, and the pesky responsibility of balancing your account. What you won’t get with a cash discount however is a paper trail. In this day and age with the lawsuit happy culture we live in, covering your tracks and protecting yourself is important. In the business world (not the make believe business world), you have to pay your fair share of taxes.

As tempting as it is to pocket every dime that comes in, you have a fiduciary responsibility to pay your fair share just like anyone else. In fact, as a business owner, we are responsible for typically 30% more in taxes than the average consumer. There’s self employment tax, corporate taxes, sales taxes, service taxes, income taxes, and the list goes on. By offering a cash discount for the purposes of evading taxes, is illegal. And if you’ve put your heart in soul to a business that you built from the ground up, you’d hate to throw it all away just to save a buck. It’s not worth it.

But what about tax write offs? Yes, it’s true. Businesses can write off certain expenses to help ease the burden of tax liability. But they have to be legitimate deductions. If we were trying to evade taxes and hide cash, we wouldn’t be able to open lines of credit, put that cash into an account to pay for the necessary expenses or invest in the business to grow it and offer better services to our clients. We offer the best services we possibly can and keep innovating to be the best we can be for you, our clients.

That is why it is important to do things by the book. If you’ve ever seen the discount stores while driving down the street and notice that a short time later they’re “going out of business”, ask yourself why. The deep discounts they are offering lack value. When you discount shop, you aren’t expecting quality. You’re expecting cheap and easy. We pride ourselves on doing right by our clients and will continue to do so. Paying taxes helps fund education programs, public works projects and more. It’s our civil responsibility and benefits everyone.

The night we worked for Javier Colon in Fairfield Connecticut

March 20th 2017 was just hands down, AWESOME. Just a couple short weeks ago, we got a message from Season 1 Winner from The Voice, Javier Colon. Javier was performing for the Unquowa Repatory Theater last night at Penfield Pavillion in Fairfield, CT with their fundraiser and had asked us to help with providing audio services. And OF COURSE, when Javier calls, you go.

But not for the sake of notoriety or fame. Even with all of his success, Javier is still a good person through and through and an absolute pleasure to work for. When your face ends up on the national stage and you perform for millions a TV show, it can change you. It can really get to your head. But with Javier, it was different. He’s still a normal guy. A family man with a house and a dog who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.

That was my first impression of Javier when I met him last year at the CT Community Foundation scholarship awards banquet in Watertown at the Grand Oak Villa. And today, as I write this, that impression still resonates. Watching Javier in an intimate concert in Fairfield changes you as a performer. It makes you want to push yourself to be better. His performance last night was very moving and gave you the chills if you were in the room.

Last night was a special night because Javier will be performing in the Unquowa Repatory Theatre’s production of Big River. In addition to being a phenomenal songwriter and musician, he also has deep roots in the theater. We were treated to a sneak peek of one of the songs from Big River as well as an impromptu performance of “Maria” from West Side Story.

The take away from last night’s performance was something I’ll never forget and I can wait to work with him again.

Check out his performance from last night’s show.

Grand Oak Villa Bridal Open House 2017

Grand Oak Villa in Watertown is having their annual open house on Thursday March 23rd from 6-8pm. This is a much more intimate affair than previous shows. Come visit us and enjoy mouth watering cuisine and check out all that Grand Oak Villa has to offer. There will be a wedding band giveaway as well as a limo giveaway that night so you DEFINITELY need to take advantage of this great event!

For more information, visit

First wedding of 2017! | Woodwinds in Branford

It’s time to fire up the truck and start the official wedding season of 2017! Our first stop is at Woodwinds in Branford, CT for Alicia & Xavier’s wedding on Friday March 24th. The first wedding of the year is always an exciting time because it’s a new year. Like I do every year, I always say that the first wedding is the wedding that all other weddings will be compared to. Because of that, it’s got to be good. REALLY GOOD.

Being at Woodwinds doesn’t hurt. They’ve got hospitality down to a science. The food is spectacular, the ambiance is inviting and if you’ve ever been to Woodwinds before, you probably have met their ROCKSTAR event coordinator Scott. Scott is very enthusiastic and passionate about weddings and it shows when he’s working.

I am soo looking forward to next Friday. It’s going to be a good one for sure.